Traver is a city and travel android app template, supports multiple cities and 5 types of different listing such as hotels, food, destinations, shopping places, Rental & Guide. Integrated with codeigniter for admin panel makes app support client serve Read more…
HyipLab is an advanced investment mobile application(Android & IOS) that comes with the “HYIPLAB-Complete HYIP Investment system” CMS. This is a well-architect, powerful, secure, well-optimized, and responsive mobile application(Android &IOS) that Read more…
BusTick is a full application template of the Online Bus Ticket Booking App designed for Users or Passengers. It is a full application UI KIT developed by Flutter. It contains 28+ awesome screens with various kinds of UI. It’s made a lot easier for all de Read more…
Mightynews app is a smart Flutter news app. It contains Flutter source code and to build your news application with most useful features and eye-catching outlook. If you are planning to deploy your news app project for android and ios users, then it’s you Read more…