Organica Magento Theme is a great store specialize in selling organic products such as cosmetic, food, nutritional food, nutritional drinks. Organic is the beautiful and fully responsive template. Read more…

Athlete is Fully Customizable, Fluid Magento Theme with Responsive & Retina Ready Design. This theme is perfect for any type of store and comes with lots of awesome features, such as: fluid width, color swatches, custom grid modes, banner widgets, revolut Read more…
Gelli Magento Theme is designed with stylish modern & clean to bring high aesthetic for online shop template which meets & fits with Jewelry, Emerald, Perfume, Cosmetics, Makeup, Accessories,... online shop. With more than 6 layouts predefined and Fronten Read more…

Responsive Magento theme JM SportsGear is well-suited for any eCommerce sites about sport apparel and equipment. The theme is unique with the flat design, bold typography, sleek grid layout and dynamic arrangement of promotional blocks. Read more…