Music Pro is a music oriented wordpress theme, perfect for a band, a label, or a webzine. It is fully customizable, easy to use and well documented. It can be used for any other purpose as well. It is fully cusomizable and fit to any device, from very wid Read more…
html5, css3 (with fallback script for older browser), jQuery shortcodes generator custom post type : testimonials post formats: gallery, video social widget: RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, Youtube Read more…
Invictus is a Fullsize Image and Video WordPress Theme for photographer or creatives. You can use Invictus just the way you like. The possibilities are endless! Its optimal for photographers, digital artists, designer or even private persons, who want to Read more…
This is uniqueness! With a clean content design, Seraphim is a fresh creative and smart portfolio theme. With a direct-to-the-point options panel, you can easily build your portfolio in few minutes minutes, presenting your work in a cool way and giving we Read more…